Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 8 & 9 - Redwood NP (northern California)

Checked into Elk Prairie campground site #28, Great small campground with no services. Site backed up to the stream (sounds of Chester). Drove up the Drury Scenic Parkway to the coastal drive loop. This is a one way dirt road along the bluffs overlooking the Pacific. It doesn't get any better.

Dinner in Orick CA at the Palm Cafe - the only place in town. It was utility dining.

Day 9 started with a short hike on the Elk Prairie Trail, then part of the Davison trail. These were the only ones that Buddy could go on.

In the afternoon we drove on Davison Road (a very narrow, curvy, and challenging dirt road) to Fern Canyon. The beach had a herd of Elk that were after a Corgi that had chased them earlier. They are all looking at the Corgi in the photo.

We hiked the Fern Canyon Loop. The return took us down the canyon over many fallen trees.
We had a great dinner at the campsite. Next day is on to Oregon.

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