Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 16-20 Scott & Buddy @ Sol Duc Hot Springs

Sol Duc was a bit of a bust for Buddy - Just one 1000 ft path that he was allowed on. We did go to Mt Muller which was in the National Forest, so he got a chance to run off leash.
The lodge at Sol Duc was nothing more than a little diner with two junk shops, and a changing room. There are four pools ranging from a large fresh water pool at 70 degrees to three circular pools with a blend of hot springs water with temps of 99 degrees, 103 degrees, and 106 degrees. The first two days had very few people, while the last two days it was a mob scene.

Olympic National Park has four lodges - Sol Duc, Crescent Lake, Log Cabin, and Kalaloch. The Lake Quinault lodge is just outside the park, so is considered part of the complex. Buddy and I camped at the Sol Duc RV campground which is basically a parking lot with 16 power poles and water faucets. The other Park Service campgrounds (a half mile up the road) are nicely spaced, and never see sunshine. They also do not have facilities. Pit toilets are the only amenity. I ate at Sol Duc the first night (mac & cheese and salad for $25). The next night I ate at Crescent Lake lodge which was about a 1/2 hour drive one way. I had fresh local Halibut that was caught about an hour from the lodge. This is Halibut season in the northwest. Salmon starts next month. Photo is from my table at dinner.
The Crescent Lake Lodge is expensive but is beautiful. Hope we can stay here on a future trip. Below are pictures of the Singer Cottages at Crescent Lake lodge.
We are now in Seattle getting ready for the next leg of the trip through Canada.

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