Monday, May 25, 2015

Day 16-20 Laurel @ 25th Reunion and 40th Anniversary of the Ada Comstock Scholars Program at Smith College.

Day 16-20 Laurel @ 25th Reunion and 40th Anniversary of the Ada Comstock Scholars Program at Smith College.

The weather was perfect, the campus in full Spring bloom and  a wonderful gathering of old and new friends.  Many thanks to my friend and Economics Professor at Asnuntuck Community College, Paul Duval who first approached me about Smith and wrote my letter of recommendation.  I would have never known about the Ada program without him; my life much richer because of this experience. Paul remains a friend to this day, getting together with me when I pass through Northampton. Thanks to him and Diane for breakfast on Sunday and a ride to the airport to return West.

This beautiful Golden Chain Tree outside of Wright Hall (the only one I had ever seen before was in the garden @ the Queen of Tarts and my favorite tree in the garden).
My good friend Lisa who picked me up @ the airport, drove me to Northampton, treated me to dinner @ Eastside Grill and spent the night with me @ the Hotel Northampton.  A very special friend indeed!
Fellow Ada Comstock Scholars - Donna, Teri and me @ dinner  Saturday night.

Alumnae Parade on Saturday morning- always a  blast.  The oldest alumnae attending was from the class of 1935 and was 102 years old! There were 2 alumnae from the class of 1940 too.   I was here with Wendy, Kathy and Teri.

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