Sunday, May 17, 2015

Day 11 & 12 Tillicum Beach, OR

Stopped in Florence OR on the way to Tillicum Beach for lunch. Had a nice lunch at International Seafood on a dock in the river. We stopped at a local farm stand and bought peaches, cherries and strawberries.

Absolutely breathtaking Camp site at Tillacum Beach Park run by the Forest Service, site # 17 parallel to the beach so we had views from every window. Peaceful walks on the beach, the sound of the surf  constantly.  

Next day we had a lazy morning waiting for the clouds to move on out to sea. Enjoyed a big breakfast at the camp listening to the sounds of the surf.
We walked the beach, then went into the town of Yachats (pronounced Ya-hots). Nice town of a few thousand people and a half dozen restaurants. Next we visited a working port in Newport OR. Lots of Sea Lions, that scared poor Buddy.

Had an excellent dinner at ONA Restaurant in Yachats. Laurel had seafood mixed grill (Dungeness Crab Cake, Rockfish, Oysters). Scott had very rare Albacore Tuna.

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