Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 1, 2015 - Off to Jasper NP

Sorry we have not done any updates lately, but Internet is always unpredictable.
Stayed off grid at the Cottonwood Campground on Klaune Lake in Destruction Bay – beautiful lake front site.
Destruction Bay from the back of the camper

Next day stayed in Teslin, Yukon and then we were off to Liard Hot Springs in BC. During the drive we saw several herds of bison grazing along the road, as well as a black bear.

Down River Lagoon (cool side)
Great dry campsite at Liard Hot Springs Provincial Park with a short walk to the Hot Springs
The Springs were very hot in a rustic setting. If you swam down stream the water was more comfortable. Spent 2 nights there and celebrated the 4th of July with a traditional American picnic

Up River at the source (120 degrees)

Sunday night we stayed at Pink Mountain RV Park, which was billed as having “something for everyone.” Truth be told, it turned out to be more of a long term trailer park for oil & gas field workers.

We were rewarded the next night when we couldn't find space at Sherk's RV Park and had to drive further to Valleyview, AB. We stayed at Poplar Ridge RV park. Beautiful site, full utilities and so very peaceful. Nice to relax, have a nice hot shower and plenty of water. Water has been a rare commodity when traveling in such remote locations – most have to truck water in to their location, so it is closely monitored. When available, showers are usually coin operated and cost $3-5 extra.

On Tuesday we began the final leg of the trip to Jasper.
Signage in the the national parks is not like the US, so we had a little trouble finding Wabasso Campground. Maps seem to be in short supply except at the visitor centers, and then they are all varriations of the same map.

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